Monday, February 23, 2009

My two week Internship at Kaiser.....

Kaiser.... It was fun and i learned alot of new ways to draw blood. I was there from 9-5 Monday - Friday. I only did out patient. I wish i had the chance to go in the In patient but i didn't. It's alot harder doing in patient because they are on all sort of medications swollen and cranky etc... I've come to learn that i don't like the people who are getting there blood drawn to watch me, they make me nervous. Every time i saw them looking i always said "Your not scared of needles" they would then look up at me and i would do it then! Sneeky Ha through out the week i didn't mind so much if the patient watch i got use to it which is a good thing. I meet some really funny people. This one guy KNEW CLINT EASTWOOD!!!!!!!! Now that I've seen Grand Torino i fell in love with Clint Eastwood. So we talked about him for a good hour almost which made my day!!! Doing this help me so much, in school i was so upset if i missed a vein but i wasn't skilled enough to go get it if it had rolled! I missed on people its not a bad thing the staff missed on them. but i know how to angle the needle to go find it! Sounds SOOO gross but once they said ouch i pulled out. I don't want to be that girl who kept "fishing". NO Way I haven't drawn in 2 weeks and i miss it so much. Megan is in class now for it and our teacher said that we can go to class and draw on the new students but the students are aloud to draw on us too!!!! This is my lovely name badge i had to wear! BUT i turned it around so that the patients didn't know i was a student. they got all crazy and refused to have a student draw on them! All and All it was a good thing. I learned new things and had a FUN. NOW i wait til i get my license then i start applying to places :)


Jessica said...

You are a rock star!!!

Deborah W said...

Congratulations, Kirsten, that is great! I'm very proud of you. Can't wait to hear where you land a job. There are always always jobs in the healthcare industry; you'll be secure there. Love, Deb

Dave said...

Ah scary! I really don't know how you work with needles so well but more power to ya wah woo!