Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Los Angles Zoo

Megan and I wanted to have a sister day so we went to the Los Angles Zoo! So much fun. We haven't been here in yearsss!!!! So it was nice to go back. The weather was so hot I'm thinking in the high 90's! When we got to the Camel it was Megan's idea to make it look like we were kissing it! Very funny! This gorilla was HUGE i couldn't believe it! I was scared to sit that close to it even if that glass was there. At one point it stood up and hit the glass with it's hand and ran away! Scary!!! But it was a great day we had a blast!


Jessica said...

I want to go to sister day! Geeze! Why didn't you guys tell me!?!?! It looks like so much fun! We'll have a sister day when you guys get here next week. How many days will you stay with me? Any requests on the kind of food you'd like me to stock my kitchen with?

Jessica said...

oh aren't sisters great! It sucks we have to wait to get older to actually appreciate one another =)

Chelsea Nicole said...

I love this idae... a sisters day! Brilliant. And i loved that you went to the zoo haha that gorrilla is huge! I miss you guys!! See ya soon

Deborah W said...

Gorillas are very scary!!! Don't get so close ever again! Love, Debbie